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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: MartinF

Worst Wipeout Award 2003

Member#: 72
Registered: 28-10-2002
Diary Entries: 184

Mood: needing time out
13th May 2012
Mt. Biking: Glyncorrwg
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature: 15 C
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 40km. (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

W2 trail with Adrian & Nigel. It's a long time since I did this trail & I'd forgotten how long and hard it is. My GPS tells me it's 40km with a total of 1934m of climbing.

Adrian & I also did the extra black run from White's. Seems a bit tamer that it used to be? Nigel - claiming terminal unfitness - also decided just to do White's, and we'd meet up with him in the caff later.

It took us 5 1/4 hrs, including a 1hr stop at the Mountain Centre/bunkhouse/cafe at the end of the Graveyard section of The Wall (Y Wal).

What a great ride! However, I feel as though the last few hundred metres of the final White's descent has become somewhat gnarlier, with some fairly serious rocky drops. In fact, the gnar factor got me on the very last rocky drop - literally about 30m from the end of the trail. Took a wrong line, forks dived, I went over the bars into a rock garden. Ouch! Right wrist sprained, Left leg hugely bruised. Oh - and the rib that I broke in Cornwall 2 years ago? - Yep - gone again. Not that it's bad enough to appear in mbr's "Old gits who should know better" column.

Spookily, my GPS gave up the ghost about 10 seconds before my crash. Prescient GPS??

GPS track log at
Toys Used:
Scott Genius MC10 Med



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